

Interface icon

With this function, you can add, modify and delete administrators of your site.

Fill out the form. Mandatory fields are marked with an * (Nickname, Name, Email, Password). Choose the function(s) you want to assign to this administrator. Click on the Add an administrator button to finish.

Click on the Edit the information link of the administrator you want to modify. Change the necessary information and click on the Update administrator button.

Click on the Delete administrator link and validate the confirmation message.

Please note: NPDS requires at least one administrator to function.

If you accidentally delete all administrators, or if you have lost the password of your only administrator account, via your mysql manager, usually PhpMyAdmin, position yourself on the authors table:

If an entry with the aid field equal to Root exists, delete it Execute the following query:

<php code>INSERT INTO `authors` (`aid`, `name`, `url`, `email`, `pwd`, `hashkey`, `counter`, `radminsuper`) VALUES ('Root', 'Root', , , 'd.8V.L9nSMMvE', 0, 0, 1);</code>

This will create an administrator account whose identifier will be Root, and the password Password.

NPDS - Administration manual

  • en/administration/users/admin.txt
  • Last modified: Dec. 16, 2024 03:38 PM UTC
  • by jpb